Hey good looking – Wedding Ideas magazine

The lovely people at wedding ideas asked me to share how I made up some of my own brides, what a wonderful opportunity to feature some of my gorgeous brides in national magazine and allow them to relive their wedding day again!.




Exclusive Magazine – Valentines day Special

Don’t be a cliche and buy her flowers and chocolate, buy her lots of beauty products that I have helpfully put into valentines day funds that you and steal and use as your own- you’re welcome!



Wedding Ideas – Big day beauty

That time wedding ideas magazine asked me for my opinion on wedding day foundation.


Wedding Ideas magazine Beauty Do’s and Don’ts

Wedding Ideas – Guest Column.

Sooooo good they printed it twice, I wrote this Column (beauty do’s and Don’ts) for Wedding Ideas a while ago and I was thrilled when they contacted me to ask if they could run it again. Each year new ladies get engaged and their fore the buyers of the magazine changes too, I’m glad I could help a whole new set of brides to be.


Exclusive Magazine- Lip Therapy

Lip Therapy

In this column I advise how to cure dry lips and keep them soft and hydrated in the winter weather.


Wedding Ideas Magazine- Guest Columnist



Each time Wedding Ideas ask me to write a new column I am so honoured!, This time I bought on my 2 favourite specialist. When a client advises me she wants a spray tan they’re is only one person I send them to Wilde about tan! and if you want to sort out a skin issue their is no-one else but skin expert Misia from Soothe!.


Exclusive Magazine – Puffy eyes and Dark circles.

If like me you suffer with dark circles or puffy eyes you will benefit from reading my column on how to reduce or hide them.




Exclusive Magazine – Chocolicious Beauty treats

If your on a diet, given up chocolate for lent or you would simply pick a new lipstick over the cost of an easter egg then this is the column for you!. I have given you some chocolate themed beauty to satisfy any beauty or chocolate addict.





Exclusive Magazine – Holiday Preparation

In preparation for my Own Holiday I wanted to share with you my tips on what to pack and how I get my face and body holiday ready using some of the east midlands best beauty ladies! Plus their is a money off voucher!



Exclusive Magazine | Pukka Up for Valentines day

In preparation for Valentines day I tested some of the brand leaders in long wear lipsticks, I prepared my lips and wore them through the day or an evenings out. See how I got on here….
